Monday, January 19, 2009

I've been thinking....

since my stockpile is almost outgrown my home. I do have a big home,but I also have a huge stockpile. But anyway, I think starting this week I'm going to only do freebies or close to freebies. That way it will be more of a challenge to me to see what I can get and I won't have the 50 bags of stuff that was ALMOST free. LOL
We will see and I'm entitled to change my mind. You know us woman can do it. How was your week? Get any great bargains?
Well since there isnt any school today, I figured I might do a little baking and cook a REAL supper. It's not that I don't cook everyday but it seems when your rushed to get to a ballgame (ds plays basketball 3 times a week, sometimes 4) you tend to throw things together a little faster. I've been wanting Fajita's and thought I might do that with some spanish rice for dinner and some kind of dessert. But we will see........remember we can change our minds. LOL
Have a great Martin Luther King Birthday day... and remember the dream

1 comment:

  1. You know what your sayin. Not to long ago agreement with my husband that I wouldn't bring home more of what I already have a lot of unless it's free. I don't think he realizes how much of it that I really do get for free. He doesn't know, but I sometimes I consider really cheap close enough to free ;)
